Monday, September 10, 2012

Literal Vs. Symbolic


Literal is the primary object itself. Being literal is being straightforward and no other explanation. There is no symbolic meaning when describing something literally.

Symbolic can be a literal item but it has many different layers that can all mean something different. Many items can easily be symbolic of God and can be used to represent him and his grace.

EX: A tree is symbolic of God in many different ways. For example, a tree can represent family, freedom, peace, wisdom, and God's grace.

Wisdom Tree that's the strength for all of God's creatures.
Literal and Symbolic thinking represents love and freedom for me because it's your decision on how you wanna perceive and act with God.
The heart is the center of us that God blessed us with.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 The kingdom of God is the entire rule of an eternal sovereign God over all of his life. God's kingdom embraces everything and God doesn't deny anyone from his grace. I feel like I know God will always be there for me and I can always go to my own "kingdom of God" if I ever feel like I just need to get away for a moment.

The definition of the kingdom of God to me is God's grace and how he watches over all of the life he created. God's everlasting grace is forever and the kingdom of God is forever.

To me, the kingdom of God is a fairytale type place where you can just feel God's presence and you can just be by yourself with your faith.
I feel like this relates to a listening exercise I just did over the weekend where I had to be quiet, by myself for fifteen minutes. I feel like I was in my own kingdom of God because I was totally by myself with God and I could just try to listen for him.